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How Can I Tell If My Air Ducts Are Leaking?

May 14, 2019

Having leaking air ducts in your home is a much bigger issue than you may think. It affects your wallet, your home, and your health.

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Young couple looking at paperwork discussing which air conditioner to purchase from Scott's Heating and Air Conditioning in La Grande, Oregon.

Purchasing the Right Air Conditioner

April 30, 2019

Scott’s Heating and Air Conditioning is proud to help you and other Eastern Oregon homeowners find the perfect air conditioning match!

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Ductless air conditioner on a blue wall in Eastern Oregon.

Going Ductless: The Heating and Cooling Systems of the Future

April 13, 2019

With the ductless system, each room can be adjusted to its own unique temperature. It’s the perfect way to please everybody.

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SmiIing HVAC technician explaining air conditioner components to a woman in her home in Eastern, Oregon.

Understanding Your Air Conditioner

March 28, 2019

An air conditioner doesn’t only cool the air. It also removes humidity by decreasing the temperature of humid air.

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Carbon Monoxide detector in a house in Eastern Oregon.

Carbon Monoxide––Quick Facts

March 14, 2019

All of us at Scott’s Heating and Air Conditioning want you and your neighbors here in Eastern Oregon, to stay safe. That’s why we offer maintenance and repairs for your carbon-burning HVAC appliances.

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Elevated View Of Young Couple Lying In Bed Covering Their Ears With Pillow.

Why Is My Heat Pump Making Loud Noises?

February 8, 2019

Heat pumps can be expected to make some noise. However, unusually loud noises point to a problem.

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Thermostat Wearing Hat

Thermostats 101

February 2, 2019

Thermostats are the brains of the HVAC system. They facilitate heating and cooling so the temperature in your house is where you want it to be.

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Humidifier Spreading Steam In House

Four Ways To Improve Your Home’s Indoor Air Quality

February 1, 2019

When you think of air pollution, what pops into your mind? A giant smoke stack? Cars spewing exhaust? A trash incinerator? Chances are you may not have considered your own home is full of air pollution.

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Family looking out the window waiting for their HVAC technician in Eastern Oregon.

Heat Pump Vs. Furnace

January 19, 2019

Looking to install a new heater in your home? Your two most popular choices in Eastern Oregon, are a heat pump and a furnace. But which one to choose?

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Contact the experts at Scott’s Heating and Air Conditioning.

Call us at 541-963-4316!

Scott’s Heating and Air Conditioning proudly provides HVAC service to Baker City, Cove, Elgin, Enterprise, Imbler, Joseph, La Grande, North Powder, Summerville, Union, and the surrounding Eastern Oregon communities. Visit our service area page for more coverage details, call us at 541-963-4316, or request service online today.